The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough Chapter 6: Seattle Day 1 – On Foot provides tips for dealing with a Seraphite run in and all collectible locations 1 Artifact, 4 Coins, and 1 Safe.

On Foot Walkthrough

This area begins in the warehouse.

Coin – Kentucky

As soon as you enter the warehouse and seal the entrance, look to the right side where you came in to find a small table by a blocked door, and check the table for the coin.

Move ahead through the strip doors into the next area. This area has some infected ahead. Stealth kill them (if possible). Loot the area before moving on.

Climb up some of the palettes. And then walk back across the planks to the plastic table and chairs. Be sure to loot that table (which includes supplements).

Long jump across. Things go south and you’re forced to start shooting. There are plenty of infected to deal with. Shoot and melee your way out but continuously move. Keep an eye out for the Shambler, coming your way soon.

Once things are clear, go through the doors (with Manny’s help) to enter the greenhouse/plant nursery.

Coin – Massachusetts

Go straight ahead and one of the registers (back left area) has a coin next to it. Pick it up to add it to your collection. Continue towards the sheds and climb the truck to the platform above.

Go to the next building ahead. The door is locked. Move to the left and interact with the rope. With your help, Manny will climb up and lower the rope further down, allowing you to climb up. Once you’re on the roof, pick up the rope. Toss it down the broken glass window. Slide down the rope and push the huge metal cabinet away from the door, allowing Mel to join you.

Go to the left and loot the supplements and other supplies.

Workbench Location – Warehouse with Boat (By the Fridge)

When you enter the next room, you’ll find a staircase nearby. Instead of going up, go to the left of it (by the fridge). This area has a workbench.

Pipe Bomb Recipe Location

Continue to the main room and on the shelf to the left of the lockers you may find the Pipe Bomb Recipe.  Approach the crank and use it to lift the door, unfortunately, it breaks: leaving you and Mel trapped.

Approach the metal door and boost Mel to the top. Travel up the blue staircase and meet Mel.

Coin – Ohio

Nearby you can find a ladder to hoist in order to cross to the boat in the middle – but first, place it upright near where you found it in order to climb to the roof of the second floor, and you’ll find more supplements as well as a coin on a table here. Be sure to also squeeze into the far corner to find more supplies on a shelf.

Pick up the ladder and use it as a bridge between the platform and the boat. Once Mel is on the boat, pick up the ladder and place it to connect the ship and the scaffold.

Training Manual Location – Stealth Training Manual

Go into the suspended boat and pick up the training manual.

Pick up the rope and gather it completely. Throw it over the yellow catwalk above. Cross the ladder and climb up the rope. Push forward and climb up the ladder to reach the rooftop. Keep making your way down the ladder, stairs, etc. until you’re back down with Manny.

Artifact – WLF Gun Cache Note

Go to the trailer. You can get in by tossing something at one of the windows and climbing inside. On the filing cabinet, by the coffee make, is a note. There’s a hint regarding a safe combination saying that it’s still “the big win.” Search the trailer to find the answer, examine the environment. Answer: the big win is a lotto ticket. You can find it on the corkboard. This makes the combination: 17-38-07

Coin – Indiana

The desk across from the WLF Gun Cache Note has a coin on it. Pick it up to add it to your collection.

Safe Location – Building by the Trailer (Hunting Pistol Location)

Enter the building directly across from the trailer. The door is locked. So go to the left of that building and crouch through the gap. Loot the room and open the safe with the combo 17-38-07.

Continue ahead and drop down where there’s a gap in the fencing to reach the train tracks.

Train Yard

Continue ahead, through the grass. The place is riddled with Seraphites and the train cars are full of supplies.


  • Use train cars and grass for cover. You can hider under them but remember enemies can pull you out from your cover

  • Listen often to get a sense of everyone’s location

When you’re ready to press on, climb up the wooden boxes to the top of the train car to get to the upper area, near the gas station. Squeeze through the wooden gate to actually get there.

Gas Station

Unlike other areas, you need to fight your way through this. Break the glass to enter the gas station. Use the counter for cover. There are supplies there as well. Eventually, some folks will come to your aid.

This leads to the next section: Seattle Day 1 – The Forward Base

Source: The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough Chapter 6: Seattle Day 1 – On Foot