When a developer takes the URL ThiefWithGuns.com for their game, you know they’re onto something.
“They” in this case is Dillon Rogers, David Szymanski, and New Blood Interactive, the minds behind Dusk. Their new game, Gloomwood, is worth trying this week if you’re in the mood for a classic spooky stealth experience. It may be inspired by old ideas, but it works – it’s gripping stuff even in 2020.
When I caught my first glimpse of a Crowman and had to tread further into suspiciously noisy tunnels with my trusty canesword and limited revolver ammo in hand, I knew shit was about to go down.
The Gloomwood demo is one of my favorites from this summer’s Steam Game Festival lineup.
Source: Destructoid Gloomwood is a fun blend of survival horror and immersive sim