This portion of The Last of Us Part Two guide includes all collectible locations in Chapter 3: Seattle Day 2 – Hillcrest. This includes all Artifacts, Trading Cards, and Journal Entries. Remember that you can revisit any chapter section to replay an area and collect missing items by returning to the main menu and selecting a chapter once you have completed it.

Hillcrest Collectibles Overview

View the sections below to locate a collectible in the order they are found.

  • Artifacts: 10
  • Trading Cards: 5
  • Journal Entries: 1
  • Workbenches: 2
  • Safes: 1

Trading Card – Wachumero

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As soon as you leave the theater and end up outside Hillcrest, turn around to look back at a sinkhole with a muddy truck stuck in the ditch. Break the rear window and reach in to find a trading card.

Artifact – Join the WLF

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Go through the window of the Majestic laundromat. In the back office, you’ll find another artifact: a Join the WLF note.

Artifact – Boris’ Daughter’s Drawing and Workbench Location

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Head inside the Rosemont store and crawl through the hole in the back to circumvent the locked door and reach the basement which includes a workbench and other loot. There’s also an artifact called Boris’ Daughter’s Drawing.

Journal Entry – Fuck the WLF Graffiti

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After jumping over the truck and watching the WLF Soldiers drive off, examine the Fuck the WLF graffiti on the WLF banner in front of you to get a new journal entry.

Artifact – Yolanda’s Note

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Enter the used and rare books store next to the Ruston Coffee shop, and pick up the artifact behind the register – Yolanda’s note.

Artifact – Need a Plan Note

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From the Ruston Coffee shop and the book store, head left down the road to a sinkhole, and look up to the right to climb up in front of a shop called Caroline Paper Co.. Break the windows and climb through to find a note on a table in the middle of the shop.

Trading Card – Shair the Sorcerer

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Also inside Caroline Paper Co., head to the very back of the shop where several small cardboard boxes have been stacked and look inside the tops of them for the card to appear – it’s easily missed in the dark as the icon won’t appear unless you are looking down into the box.

Workbench Location – Bicycle Shop

After climbing up the moving dumpster, you’ll get to a hole in a brick wall you can use to enter a bicycle shop’s workshop. There’s a workbench here. Be sure to loot this room as well.

Trading Card – Naledi the Youthful

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Inside the bicycle shop’s workshop, look around to the back of the room with a door leading to an office, and a cork board. Below the board is a bicycle stashed in the corner, and a trading card has been placed in the spokes of the back wheel.

Artifact – Condolence Note

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Walk around the bicycle shop’s workshop area towards the back, and enter the office connected to it. There, you’ll find an artifact: Condolence Note.

Training Manual – Precision Skills

Exit the bicycle shop and head through to the liquor store nearby and pick up the Precision Training Manual behind the cash register (on the floor).

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This manual can also be found after clearing out the basement below the liquor store of Shamblers, and crawling through a hole to come up into a children’s bookstore where the manual may be found by the remains of a mutated body.

Artifact – Note in Hillcrest Tattoo Parlor

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Head into Velvet Tattoo parlor and loot the place for supplies (including supplements). In the back (office area), there’s an artifact on the table.

Artifact – Turn in Boris

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Look for a pet store and dog grooming salon at the end of the street, where a Shambler and Runner are staggering about. The door to the grooming salon is locked, but you can smash the windows to hop over (kill the infected first or they’ll be alerted to this). Once inside, look to the sinks on the right to find a note.

Artifact – Dale’s Combo

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The pet store and grooming salon has a broken wall leading into a bar with a billiards hall where the Shambler and Runner are likely to wander. After killing them, head into the back kitchen and look on the left wall as you enter to find several papers – and a note you can grab. The note includes a safe combo, which you can access behind the row of buildings on the opposite side of the street from the bar.

Safe – Auto Repair Shop and Gun Holster Location

From the main street, jump over the fences or walls in between the hair salon and tattoo parlor (you can also cut through the back of Shear Lux) to find a sealed garage with a dumpster in front of the door. Move the dumpster to access the door to the Auto Repair Shop. Behind it is a bunch of runners so have a molotov cocktail ready, then get some distance and shoot. Another option is to line that area with some trap mines, and let them come to you.

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Inside is a safe with a Gun Holster (if you didn’t find both in Downtown Seattle), plus lots of ammo, scrap, and explosives. Use the Dale’s Combo note from the bar across the street, and enter the code 30, 82, 65. Be sure to check the back room for more supplements and other loot.

Trading Card – Brainstorm

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Once you get to the top of the hill and see the smoke from the mysterious explosion, evade the Runners and hop over a fence into a backyard with a small hot tub and child’s playhouse. Go to the opposite side of the children’s playhouse for the trading card – Brainstorm.

Artifact – Boris’ Confession

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As you enter the first home in Hillcrest proper, look on the living room table near the fireplace for a note from Boris.

Artifact – Rosemont’s Flyer

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In the same house, move towards the kitchen area and dining table. On the left , there’s a small table with an artifact on it: Rosemont’s Flyer.

When you’re ready, head through the hole in the door by the kitchen and get ready for a quick brawl that gives you a Bow and the recipe to make Arrows.

Trading Card – Reverb

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At the battle of Hillcrest where you must take on several WLF Soldiers and attack dogs, you can find a trading card hidden in one of the many houses on the block. After the enemies are dealt with, run up the first street to the very end of the block to a house on the right with an adjoining garage (look for the house number 1214 above the front door). Go through the front door, up the stairs, and turn around and go up the hall to a bedroom with a window overlooking the front yard. Go prone and wiggle under the bed to find a trading card tucked away here.

Looking for more Collectibles in The Last of Us Part Two? Find even more artifacts and trading cards in Chapter 3’s Finding Strings and The Seraphites. Be sure to also check out our complete The Last of Us 2 Collectible Hub to find every secret in every chapter and location.

Source: The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide Chapter 3: Seattle Day 2 – Hillcrest