This portion of The Last of Us Part Two guide includes all collectible locations in Chapter 3: Seattle Day 3 – Road to the Aquarium. This includes all Artifacts, Trading Cards, Workbenches, and Journal Entries. Remember that you can revisit any chapter section to replay an area and collect missing items by returning to the main menu and selecting a chapter once you have completed it.

Road to the Aquarium Collectibles Overview

View the sections below to locate a collectible in the order they are found.

  • Artifacts: 3
  • Trading Cards: 4
  • Journal Entries: 1
  • Workbenches: 2

Trading Card – Esquire

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When you wake up at the start of this chapter, you’ll be in a dressing room at the back of the theater. Head out towards the front of the stage until you reach a room before the giant red curtains but do not go through the curtains, and look to the left to find a trading card on a desk with a microphone.

Trading Card – Tormenta

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After breaking the glass to enter the convention center building with Jesse, continue ahead. You’ll pass a kitchen and bathroom before reaching an open door, with the entrance partially blocked. Crawl underneath the mess to reach a back office. On the computer desk, you’ll find a trading card.

Workbench Location – Computer Filled Office

In the same office, listed above, you’ll find a workbench.

Artifact – Garage Note

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Once you drop down into the long flooded street with Jesse, swim through the first large pool and climb up and move backwards towards a darkened parking garage inhabited by two Stalkers and a Clicker. Once they have been dealt with, move up and around until you find an upper level where a body is lying – but be ready for an ambush by a few more infected – and then loot the body for a note, as well as ammo, a machete, and other supplies.

Trading Card – Tanager

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In the decrepit bookstore, crouch underneath the slab of concrete held up by bookshelves (on the ground floor). While you’re under there, look at the shelves. One of the bottom ones has a trading card on it.

Journal – Mushrooms

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Go to the children’s section of the library with the Alice in Wonderland mural. Approach the fake trees, covered in mushrooms for another entry.

Artifact – Bookstore Note

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Turn so that your back is to the Alice in Wonderland mural. Directly ahead of you is a table covered in books. On that table, you’ll find a stray page from a children’s book.

Artifact – Textile Note

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After fighting alongside Jesse, against WLF members and their dogs, you’ll have some time to explore the construction heavy area of decrepit stores. Go to the construction area with the scaffold and blue tarps. It’s where the sniper was standing. Jump over the Warren Properties construction signs to enter the building; it’s a Boba shop. Go up the stairs, in the back, to reach a textile shop (full of yarn and other materials). Loot the area for supplies and approach the windows to pick up another note to Jules hanging on the brick wall.

Workbench – Near Mannequins

After getting through the scuffle with WLF members by the rundown stores and construction, look to your left to find a damaged building with a store called Norkirk Cosmetics. Enter, and then climb up some concrete slabs to find some mannequins creepily placed around. Take a left keeping the ruined building on your left to swim into a pool and under a large truck. On the other side, you’ll find another muddy slope to enter the building, where more mannequins are placed around. Keep moving past them and up the concrete slabs to a second floor, then check an adjoining room by the windows to find a workbench.

Trading Card – Tatuaje

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After Jesse suggests the two of you steal a boat you’ll continue into a decrepit building. After crawling under some debris, look to the left and pick up the card on the shelf before lifting the debris, with Jesse’s help, to move through the next door.

Looking for more Collectibles in The Last of Us Part Two? Find even more artifacts and trading cards in Chapter 4’s The Flooded City and Infiltration. Be sure to also check out our complete The Last of Us 2 Collectible Hub to find every secret in every chapter and location.

Source: The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide Chapter 4: Seattle Day 3 – Road to the Aquarium