This portion of The Last of Us Part Two guide includes all collectible locations in Chapter 3: Seattle Day 3 – The Flooded City. This includes all Artifacts, Trading Cards, Workbenches, and Journal Entries. Remember that you can revisit any chapter section to replay an area and collect missing items by returning to the main menu and selecting a chapter once you have completed it.

The Flooded City Collectibles Overview

View the sections below to locate a collectible in the order they are found.

  • Artifacts: 6
  • Trading Cards: 2
  • Journal Entries: 1
  • Workbenches: 2
  • Safes: 1

Trading Card – Seff-L’Ho’Phaq

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As soon as you are able to exit the boat when you reach a gate, get off and turn back around to locate an open door along the water, and enter the office. Look at the end of the room for a desk with a computer, and open a nearby drawer to find the trading card.

Journal Entry –  Ferris Wheel

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After you get out of the boat to find a way to open the gate, head left through a storage area and up some stairs to a second floor hallway. Through a nearby window you can see the ferris wheel in the distance – stand in front of it to sketch it out.

Artifact – Stash Note

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Just to the left of the window looking out at the ferris wheel, you can find a dead body against a corner of the hallway you’ve entered, and next to him lies a note with a clue to a nearby safe combination.

Safe Location – Warehouse

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With the Stash Note in hand that you claimed in the hallway, run down to the opposite end of the hallway where debris blocks your path – but you can move a pallet on wheels to the side to crawl through to the far end.

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Drop through a window to find yourself next to the boat behind a cage where the safe is, and use the combination 70, 12, 64 to open it and find ammo, supplies, scrap, and supplements.

Workbench – Next to Sleep Warehouse

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Continue your boat ride down more slopes until Ellie needs to restart the boat, and you’ll find yourself in front of a big building called Seattle Sleep Warehouse. Take a left before entering the building to find a patch of land in front of another building with a faded sign reading “Manufacturing Production Dis-” above a torn blue awning and some blue barrels. Enter the smaller warehouse to find a workbench you can use in this area – and be sure to check the flooded section of the room for spare scrap before making your upgrades.

Artifact – Shambler Note

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In the river on the other side of the Seattle Sleep Warehouse and just past where the previous workbench was located, look for a flooded entrance to the Carthy Hotel on the right, and move in to find a corpse with a few supplies and a note about Shamblers.

Artifact – Encampment Note

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In the next large open water area, you can’t miss a boat full of WLF Soldiers taking on Seraphites holed up in a broken building lit by orange lights. Let the Seraphites engage while you sneak in from the side and then mop up the remaining Seraphites. Head to the second floor and look for an enclosed room with glass windows, and you’ll find a note posted on the wall for Jules.

Artifact – Sniper’s Note

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Outside the Seraphim Camp, look in the middle of the lake for a monorail that has crashed down and created a slope you can move up to get on the raised monorail line.

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Move through the cars until you reach a locked door, and grab a nearby rope. Drop down with the rope on the right side, and use it to swing to a nearby platform where you can then enter the next car.

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Here you’ll find a dead WLF Soldier holding assorted ammo and supplements, and a note has been left on the seat across from the body.

Artifact – Arcade Flyer

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After clearing out the camp of Seraphites, take your boat under their building and keep moving until you break through the windows of a flooded bar and arcade with a fence blocking your progression. Leave the boat, and search the tables above the water to find a flyer on one of the tables.

Workbench Location – 2nd Floor Arcade

While you’re in W&B Arcade, head upstairs via the stairs to search the upper floor where the arcade section is, and near the back wall you can find workbench near a dead Seraphite on the balcony.

Trading Card – Khazakh Bright

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In the W&B Arcade’s second floor, move along the balcony from the workbench to find a side room where a birthday party was held, as well as a locked door. You can try moving a nearby palette towards the door, but the floor will give way, locking you into a fight with a Bloater. After you defeat the infected, look near the front windows for a shutter you can pull up to reveal a prize booth, and hop over to find a Trading Card behind the display cases.

Artifact – Arcade Note

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After you unlock the prize booth, head through the rooms beyond to move up to the second floor of the arcade area, and look for a sign at the back wall for a “PC Cafe”. Turn around once inside to find yet another note for Jules near the circular doorway.

Looking for more Collectibles in The Last of Us Part Two? Find even more artifacts and trading cards in Chapter 4’s Road to the Aquarium and Infiltration. Be sure to also check out our complete The Last of Us 2 Collectible Hub to find every secret in every chapter and location.

Source: The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide Chapter 4: Seattle Day 3 – The Flooded City