During today’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate stream, where director Masahiro Sakurai introduced the next wave of DLC featuring Min Min from Arms and costumes from the Fallout franchise, Nintendo announced two new Amiibos based on characters that came to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate during the first wave of DLC. Joker, the protagonist from Persona 5, and Hero from Dragon Quest XI are each slated to get their own Amiibo this fall.

Joker was released as DLC inĀ April 2019, while Hero joined the ever-growing crossover battlefieldĀ in July 2019, meaning players have been awaiting news of these Amiibo figures for quite some time. Both were released as a part of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s Fighters Pass Vol. 1. The remaining DLC characters to have not received an Amiibo are (in order) Banjo & Kazooie, Terry, Byleth, and Min Min. The Super Smash Bros. team also has five more DLC characters to reveal as a part of Fighters Pass Vol. 2.

Both the Joker and Hero Amiibo figures are slated for release this fall.

Source: Game Informer Nintendo Announces Joker And Hero Amiibo Figures