Loren Bouchard, the creator of Fox’s hit animated sitcom Bob’s Burgers, is currently working on The Great North, a new animated show for Fox. Although the show has not aired yet–or even released so much as a preview image–Deadline is reporting that the show has already been renewed for season 2.

The show will be about a single father in Alaska who is trying his best to keep his family together and happy. It will star Nick Offerman as Beef Tobin, the dad in question, and Jenny Slate and Will Forte as his daughter and son. The show will also feature Dulce Sloan, Aparna Nancherla, Paul Rust, Megan Mullally, and Alanis Morissette as herself.

An air date for the show has not been set.

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Source: Gamespot Bob's Burgers Creator's Next Fox Cartoon Has Already Been Renewed For Season 2