Alex Garland has garnered himself quite the reputation for sci-fi and horror fans with his dense and philosophical projects like Ex Machina, Annihilation, and this year’s Devs, his first foray into the world of serialized storytelling with FX on Hulu. Themes in Garland’s work tend to deal with things that provoke a certain sense of existential dread, like the nature of mortality and the ethics of artificial intelligence, so it’s really no surprise that the writer/director’s favorite video games tend towards the similarly weighty.

Speaking with GameSpot during the Play for All event, Garland spoke at length about his love for games like The Last Of Us and Dark Souls, the latter of which he managed to sneak in an Easter Egg for during an early episode of Devs. But he also came through with a surprise revelation–he’s a devout Animal Crossing fan and has sunk countless hours into perfecting his island, a hobby he’s picked up alongside his daughter who also plays.

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Source: Gamespot Devs Creator Alex Garland On Why Video Game Movies Don't Work (And His Favorite Animal Crossing Villager)