Henry Cavill is “excited” to finally see the Snyder Cut of Justice League, calling the journey to get there “quite the ordeal.”
In a chat with Sir Patrick Stewart for Variety’s Actors on Actors, Cavill told the Star Trek icon he doesn’t know much more about the Snyder Cut other than it’s coming to HBO Max — in “early to mid-2021,” according to HBO Max exec Sandra Dewey — and that it represents Zack Snyder’s “final vision” for the 2017 superhero film.
“I think it’s important for a filmmaker and a storyteller to have their intended vision released and shown to the world, and I’m looking forward to seeing it myself. It’s been quite the ordeal,” Cavill said.
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Cavill explained to Stewart that with Justice League “there was a mix of visions and the movie wasn’t well-received. And then over the subsequent years, there was a big push to see the fabled Snyder Cut. And now that time has come, and I think it’s going to be very enjoyable to watch Zack finally release his version.”
The Man of Steel actor — who was recently rumored to be in talks to reprise the role of Superman in multiple upcoming DC movies — also spoke of his love for the character, the responsibility he feels to playing an icon to children, and the possibility of playing Superman again.
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“Because it’s such a wonderful character, it’s actually a responsibility I’m happy to have,” Cavill said, adding, “and I hope that I get to play more of Superman in years to come.”
For more Snyder Cut coverage, watch the first Darkseid clip and find out about some of the visual changes the movie will have from Justice League’s theatrical release.
Source: IGN.com Cavill: “It’s Been Quite the Ordeal” to Get to the Snyder Cut