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A few days ago, D3 Publisher revealed that two new entries in the Earth Defense Force series were on the way. One of them, World Brothers, features a striking visual departure from past entries in the series, with blocky heroes battling equally blocky bugs. Screenshots alone don’t do it justice. Fortunately, we’ve got a trailer showing the game in all its voxel glory.
In addition to fighting the usual ants, spiders, and other pests that fans are accustomed to, players will have another potential hazard to contend with: the edge of the world. It looks like this planet’s cube-shaped surface means that it’s quite possible to walk right off the edge and into oblivion. Fortunately, at least some members of the EDF have jetpacks.
Stick around for the end, and you’ll get a quick (and do we mean quick) look at Earth Defense Force 6, a more traditional entry in the franchise that was also announced along with World Brothers. That title is due this year, and EDF 6 is coming in 2021. No word yet as to whether they’ll be heading over to our shores.
Source: Game Informer See EDF: World Brothers' Blocky Bugs In Action