From Blue Mammoth Games: “Jaeyun, the newest Legend, has discovered new riches and sights in Valhalla! The legendary mercenary who has traveled across the Old Kingdom brings the newest Weapon, the Greatsword, and also wields a Sword to battle in the Grand Tournament. Jaeyun is the 50th new Legend and has joined the roster permanently!

With the addition of Greatsword, new daily missions and achievements have been added! For those in the pursuit for Glory, the new Ranked Season 17 will start on July 15th with new Ranked Rewards. The Trophy Emote and Jewel Nameplate, available in Skyforged and Goldforged versions, are the latest additions and can be found in Mallhalla.”

Source: N4G PC Brawlhalla Patch Notes Update 4.03 – New Legend & Weapon: Jaeyun with his Greatsword