We know what we’re getting with Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise, and I’ve accepted that fate, but maybe some of its many technical setbacks can be overcome. I’m not asking for perfection – this is Deadly Premonition, you know? – but even a slightly better frame rate could go a long way.

Following a bit of back-and-forth about the game’s post-launch update plans, here’s the latest word.

As publisher Rising Star Games puts it, the developers at Toybox Inc. are “constantly working on improving the title and patches are in the works.” It’s a vague reassurance, but a reassurance all the same. I figure plenty of you are going to show up on day one regardless. I would, but July is packed.

If you’re wondering about the bowling alley, listen to this important message from Swery.

'Patches are in the works' for Deadly Premonition 2 screenshot

Source: Destructoid ‘Patches are in the works’ for Deadly Premonition 2