Superhot: Mind Control Delete, an all-new standalone Superhot game, will be released on July 16. Those who’ve purchased the original game before that date will receive Mind Control Delete for free. (If you received Superhot through giveaways such as Xbox Games With Gold or Twitch Prime, you are not eligible for the free download.)
Mind Control Delete is described as “more refined” and “much bigger” than Superhot; it’s a 12-15-hour game with additional mechanics and less linear levels compared to the original, according to Superhot Team. Mind Control Delete will cost $25 USD for those who don’t qualify for a free copy.
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The standalone game is being released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, though the developer plans to port it to additional, unspecified platforms in the future. Not included among those additional platforms (for now) is VR.
“It’s important to remember that VR is not only a different platform – it’s an entirely different way of interacting with games and it comes with its own design and hardware challenges,” said Superhot Team. “Superhot VR was created from scratch as an entirely separate game to emulate the Superhot experience in VR, and it was a BIG undertaking. We aren’t starting any BIG undertakings right now. Should this change, we’ll let you guys know.”
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Development on Mind Control Delete began in 2016 as a “small content update” for Superhot. Through years of “unrelenting polish and refinement,” the “tiny little DLC grew into a full, standalone game that is now Superhot: Mind Control Delete,” said Superhot Team.
IGN’s Superhot review said the original’s “clever time-manipulation idea delivers consistently fulfilling challenges by turning blink-of-an-eye action into carefully considered and cautious tactical decisions.” Our Superhot VR review awarded the 2017 follow-up a 9 and called it “an amazing use of virtual reality.”
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Jordan is a freelance writer for IGN.
Source: Superhot: Mind Control Delete Announced, Out Next Week