Every big video game conference needs a “and you can play it right now” moment. Today’s Ubisoft Forward event announced that Ubisoft’s battle royale, Hyper Scape, is moving into open beta today – meaning anyone on PC can play. During the technical alpha, players had to hope for a Twitch drop to get access, but the game is now available to all.
A battle pass for cosmetics is in effect for the duration of the open beta, and anything unlocked will carry over to other phases and final launch. During this phase, a new game mode where it’s every person for themselves (solo mode) is available. Previously, only 3-person squads were available for play.
If you’re on PC, playing is as easy as logging into Uplay, downloading the game, and playing. It’s a free-to-play title, so there’s little barrier to entry if you are curious about the battle royale experience. Hyper Scape is expected to launch on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC this summer.
Check out my previous time with Hyper Scape here.
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Source: Game Informer You Can Play Hyper Scape Right Now