BOOM! Studios is relaunching its flagship Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic in November 2020. Now titled Mighty Morphin, the series will feature a revamped team lineup that includes a brand new incarnation of the Green Ranger.

Mighty Morphin will be written by current Mighty Morphin Power Rangers writer Ryan Parrott and drawn by artist Marco Renna (All-New Michael Turner’s Fathom). The series will be one of two new Power Rangers comics debuting in November and building on the fallout of the recent “Necessary Evil” crossover, as part of a new direction dubbed “Unlimited Power.” The second title is still under wraps for the time being.

Check out the slideshow gallery below to see three covers for Mighty Morphin #1:

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Mighty Morphin will introduce several new wrinkles to the Power Rangers mythos, the most significant of them being the identity of the All New Green Ranger. It’s clearly not Tommy Oliver, as Tommy looks to still be wearing the mantle of the White Ranger. The new series will reveal this mystery character’s identity and explore what happens when the White Ranger and Green Ranger coexist on the same team. Boom notes the All New Green Ranger will first make their debut in October’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #55, the series finale.

The new series will pit the revamped team against Lord Zedd, a villain who’s gained a new mission and new motivations since his last appearance. Boom’s press release teases Zedd’s new mission “will change everything you thought you knew about our heroes.” The press release also teases a major twist that hits very close to home for the Rangers, hinting “the greatest threat to their future is the shocking secret of Zordon’s past!”

“This is a brand new beginning for an all-new Mighty Morphin team featuring characters you know – and an all new Green Ranger. This book is a chance to explore the past, present and future of the team in ways you’ve never seen before,” said Parrott in a statement. “Coming out of Necessary Evil, there seemed like an opportunity to not only start fresh but focus the story in on our new MIGHTY MORPHIN team like we haven’t before.”

“I’m really happy to have the opportunity to work on Power Rangers. I used to watch the TV show every day and being able to draw these characters is a dream come true,” said Renna. “I feel honored to be part of this fantastic team and I am excited to go into this new adventure. I really hope you enjoy my art.”

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Fans can find out more about this relaunch at Comic-Con@Home. Boom will host a “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Future is Now” panel on Saturday, July 25 at 1:00 pm PT.

In other Power Rangers news, the Rangers recently crossed paths with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, resulting in a hybrid villain known as Green Ranger Shredder. And thanks to the debut of TokuSHOUTsu, fans can now watch the original Japanese series Super Sentai that inspired the Power Rangers franchise.

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Jesse is a mild-mannered staff writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter.

Source: Power Rangers Relaunch Introduces the All New Green Ranger