It’s the 25th annual QuakeCon, and this one will be a little different. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic massively disrupting game conventions and pretty much every other aspect of life, events have gotten creative in the digital and streaming spaces this year to bring content alive. QuakeCon is taking that approach this August 7-9, as the event moves to the online space. This year, the event is QuakeCon at Home. So what’s on deck?

A long, giant stream! Full of influencers, surprises, Bethesda community team members and more. Traditionally, we’re treated to at least some tidbits and nibbles of news from the Bethesda universe during this convention, and hopefully this year is no different!

Esports tournaments! Charities! Among many great charities to supports, one of them will be a special Animal Charity associated with some adorable new shirts for sale (100% of proceeds to charity). You can check those shirts out below (Yo, I want that Catodemon. Meeee-OW!).

Other special merch celebrating the QuakeCon at Home will also be available for purchase. Hopefully we get to see a cool glimpse of what’s to come in the Bethesda world!

Find out more details on QuakeCon at Home on the official site.

Source: Game Informer QuakeCon Is Happening At Home, August 7-9