Like every other marketing event on the face of the earth, gamescom 2020 will be held entirely online as a series of streams. Even though there’s no physical booths to construct, preposterously long lines to manage, or collective omnipresent body odor to power through, some of the industry’s biggest names are showing up anyway.

The exhibitors list for gamescom 2020 has been released, and we can expect some major players to have a presence. Xbox, Bethesda, Sega, Activision-Blizzard, Ubisoft — these are a few cherry-picked publishers and platform-holders that are expected to show something at gamescom. 

This all goes down toward the end of August. The festivities kick off with the Geoff Keighley-hosted “gamescom: Opening Night Live” press conference-type stream on August 27. Then, gamescom runs from August 27 through August 30. There’s a lot to squeeze in over the course of a few days.

Here’s the current list of gamescom 2020 exhibitors:

Gamescom might be online-only, but it still has some big exhibitors lined up screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Gamescom might be online-only, but it still has some big exhibitors lined up