In addition to raid events mixed in here and there as the weeks pass, Game Freak has moved on to really focus in on Pokémon Sword and Shield‘s newest DLC: The Isle of Armor.
The latest hotness? A new online battle event called “Armor Beginning.” Registration starts this Friday, and will involve online battles with creatures from the Isle of Armor Pokédex. Basically, if you participate in battles with new stuff, you’ll net 50 BP for your troubles.
If you haven’t been a part of the events that ran in the past (basically since X and Y), all you do is register, log on during the applicable dates and win free prizes: win or lose. That’s basically it! You have a week to register, at which point the event will kick off July 24 through July 26.
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Source: Destructoid The newest Pokemon Sword and Shield event focuses on the DLC