The G.I. Joe Classified Series, Hasbro’s modern 6-inch G.I. Joe collectible figure line, is introducing a new set of figures, including a Cobra Island Baroness with C.O.I.L. action figure and vehicle.

Transformers, another Hasbro property is also getting a new figure by way of its Studio Series line: Leadfoot from Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

Check out the new Joes and Transformer in the galleries below:

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Unlike previous G.I. Joe Classified gems like the Profit Director Destro or the first wave, featuring Snake Eyes, introduced earlier in the year, the newest wave of figures is a Target-exclusive in the US, as well as the Leadfoot Studio Series Transformer. Preorders for the figures go live tomorrow at 9 am ET.

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Seth Macy is Executive Editor, IGN Commerce, and rabid ’80s kid who just wants to be your friend. Find him on Twitter @sethmacy.


Source: Baroness and More G.I. Joe Classified Series Figures Up for Preorder Tomorrow