It may seem hard to believe now given the oft-delayed release of The New Mutants, but the film was once meant to be the first entry in a trilogy of movies spun off from 20th Century Fox’s X-Men film franchise. But that was before the studio mulled extensive reshoots (which never actually happened) and all of Fox’s film assets, including the X-Men franchise, were acquired by Disney.

With the X-Men now in the hands of Marvel Studios, any hopes for the continuation of a Fox creation like The New Mutants within the confines of the MCU appear dead. We asked New Mutants director/co-writer Josh Boone what his plans were for the now-scuttled New Mutants trilogy during our interview with him and actor Charlie Heaton (who plays Cannonball) the Comic-Con@Home livestream.

Boone revealed that if New Mutants 2 were to have happened it would have featured a strange Marvel Comics character who was deemed too prohibitively pricey to realize in the first film.

Watch the full New Mutants Comic-Con@Home panel below:

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“Earlier drafts of this had Warlock in it and he was just far too expensive for us to explore in the first movie. He doubled our budget in a lot of ways with what we wanted to do with him so we really stripped him back,” Boone said. “Warlock was always the idea for the second one.”

Created by New Mutants writer Chris Claremont and artist Bill Sienkiewicz, Warlock was a shape-shifting mechanical organism. But unlike other members of his alien race, the Technarchy, Warlock possessed compassion. He even served as a member of the New Mutants despite his own father being an enemy ruler who fought both the New Mutants and the X-Men.

Boone also revealed that the sequels would have introduced Karma, one of the New Mutants’ founding members in the comics who didn’t make it into the roster of the first movie. The director added that he and co-screenwriter Knate Lee wanted to “really use a lot of stuff from Chris and Bill’s run on New Mutants” in subsequent films.

The grandest plan for this unrealized New Mutants trilogy would have seen Boone adapt one of Marvel Comics’ most notable crossover event seres of the late 1980s: “We sort of wanted to use Inferno because it was so horror-related and was like a big crossover series when I was young I really liked in X-Men.”

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Taking place across several Marvel books including the mutant titles Uncanny X-Men, X-Factor, X-Terminators, Excalibur, and The New Mutants, Inferno depicted a demonic invasion of Earth. New Mutants member Magik (aka Illyana Rasputin) was central to the saga because she could open portals between the dimension of Limbo and Earth. Illyana is portrayed in The New Mutants by The Witch and Split actress Anya Taylor-Joy.

“But that was different times back then and nobody knew about the merger, any of those things,” Boone added.

For more on the franchise, watch the latest New Mutants trailer, read these 7 comics to prepare you for the film, and dive into our explainer on the film’s Demon Bear and Soulsword.

Be sure to watch the Comic-Con@Home livestream for more coverage from this year’s virtual show. Check out our full Comic-Con 2020 panel schedule.

Source: New Mutants Director Reveals Characters and Story for the Trilogy That Will Never Happen