A modder known for working on modding Mario games has created an entirely new Zelda adventure.

Along with a few friends, Kaze Emanuar created a new unofficial Zelda game in the Ocarina of Time engine, titled The Legend of Zelda: The Missing Link. This fan-made game takes place in between Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, the two Legend of Zelda games released on the N64.

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Thanks to borrowing Ocarina’s assets, The Missing Link fits right in with the aesthetic of those legendary Zelda titles. The launch trailer for the game sets a melancholy vibe, similar to the tone of Majora’s Mask.

In a playthrough video on YouTube, Emanuar and CDi-Fails, who also worked on the game, go through the adventure while also talking about the creative process.

Walking through Kokiri Forest, the creators talk about how they made the color palette darker to signify the passage of time. As for what’s new, there’s an original dungeon, and a new time travel mechanic not seen in either N64 Zelda adventure.

The game only takes about an hour to finish, but it is complete with a final boss battle and a credit sequence.

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For more N64 news, check out the huge Nintendo source code leak from this week, where it may have been confirmed that Luigi was planned to be playable in Super Mario 64. Or, for more on Zelda, read up on the new Cadence of Hyrule DLC announced for this fall.

Story originally reported by Kotaku.

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Logan Plant is a news writer for IGN, and the Production Assistant for Nintendo Voice Chat, IGN’s weekly Nintendo show. You can find him on Twitter at @LoganJPlant.

Source: IGN.com Modder Creates New Zelda Adventure in Ocarina of Time Engine