I think it’s safe to say most Xbox fans are looking forward to Halo Infinite this fall. If you’d like a Nerf replica of the MA40 used by Master Chief in the upcoming game, you can now preorder one from Amazon. It even comes with a code that unlocks a “digital asset” in the game. The blaster costs $49.99 and releases on October 1.
The Nerf Halo MA40 comes with 10 darts and a removable clip big enough to hold all of them at once. Insert the loaded clip into the blaster, press the accelerator button to turn on the motor, and you’re ready to shoot. The blaster fires one dart each time you pull the trigger.
Preorder NERF Halo MA40
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The weapon also comes with a rail riser you can attach to the tactical rail to add other Nerf accessories that are sold separately.
Hasbro has also announced two additional Halo-themed blasters from the Microshots line, the SPNKR and Needler. Those are expected to release the same day as the MA40, and will cost $10 each. They’re not up for preorder yet, but we’ll update this article when they arrive.
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You can catch up on all of the biggest Halo Infinite news as you prepare your body and mind for Xbox Series X.
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Chris Reed is IGN’s shopping and commerce editor. You can follow him on Twitter @_chrislreed.
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Source: IGN.com Nerf Halo MA40 Is Up for Preorder, Includes Halo Infinite Bonus Item