Sometimes you don’t have to choose between quality and quantity. Sometimes you get both. And, when the stars align just right and fortune’s on your side, all that quality and quantity comes very cheap.

That’s the case with this week’s newest Humble Bundle. In celebration of Double Fine’s 20th anniversary (time flies), there are 19 of the studio’s games packaged together for $9 total. Plus, you’ll get four documentaries thrown in too.

It sounds like a lot, but it isn’t everything Double Fine has done. There’s a bunch that’s missing, probably because of publisher-specific deals or that it just wasn’t included. Costume Quest 2, The Cave, Stacking, and Trenched are a few notable omissions that stick out. Also, the higher tier is mostly a lot of Double Fine-published games rather than ones the studio actually developed. Going back to that first sentence in the paragraph: It isn’t everything Double Fine has done, but Everything is included.

Here’s what’s in the Humble Double Fine 20th Anniversary Bundle:

This week's Humble Bundle has a lot of Double Fine's best games for only $9 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid This week’s Humble Bundle has a lot of Double Fine’s best games for only