Ross @ FG: This week on The Finger Guns Podcast its our 69th episode! For this we can only apologise, we get terribly disgraceful early on so quick warning, we are all five years old and theres no getting around that.

Still! We talk the long wait discovering just how much these damn next-gen consoles are going to cost us and why its taking Sony and Microsoft so very long to blink first and get the word out to us that have to buy the damn things. Are Microsoft even all the fussed how much the Series X is? Should they just be giving them away at this point? Have Sony learned their lesson from the PS3 launch? We shall find out soon, hopefully.

Elsewhere we talk the fallout of the Xbox Games Showcase and talk about significant reveals after the fact, including Halo Infinites multiplayer and the release date for Battletoads.

Source: N4G PC The Finger Guns Podcast Ep. 69 – Next-Gen Prices, Who Blinks First?