Logitech has unveiled a new racing peripheral set: the Logitech G923 Racing Wheel and Pedals. The wheel has one name but will come in two versions: one for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, and one for PC, PlayStation 4, and also PlayStation 5 (subject to final Sony product approval). Logitech has previously sold console-specific wheels as different models with the PC/PS4 G29 and the PC/Xbox One G920 (although they were already largely identical aside from a few additional buttons and an array of rev LEDs on the G29).
The new G923 features what Logitech describes as a “new high-definition force feedback system that dials into a game’s physics and audio engine to deliver an ultra-realistic experience.” The company has dubbed the proprietary technology ‘Trueforce’. Logitech explains the wheel “connects directly to in-game engines, processing at up to 4000 times per second” using actual game physics and audio in real time. The caveat for now is that this is only in supported games. So far only Gran Turismo Sport, Assetto Corsa Competizione, and 2019’s Grid support Trueforce at the moment, according to the wheel’s new product page.
The wheel and pedal set will also feature programmable dual clutch launch controls, an improved brake pedal with a new progressive spring, rev lights, a 24-point selection dial.
“For the last few years, we’ve been working with sim drivers, and professional race car drivers to develop a full-featured, realistic driving experience like no other,” said Logitech GM Ujesh Desai in a statement alongside the announcement. “With Trueforce you really get to feel the road, along with all the subtle features of the race car.”
The Logitech G923 Racing Wheel and Pedals will be available this month for USD$400/AUD$800.
IGN has just been supplied a G923 and will return with impressions in the coming days.
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Luke is Games Editor at IGN’s Sydney office. You can find him on Twitter sporadically @MrLukeReilly.
Source: IGN.com Logitech Reveals New Next-Gen Ready Racing Wheel, the G923