Judging by literally everyone I know who owns a Nintendo Switch, I’m not alone in my Joy-Con drift woes. And while you can send your Joy-Con off to Nintendo to get it fixed for free, you might also want a backup controller for the meantime. Thankfully, Amazon has the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller on sale for $10 off.

Apparently unlike Joy-Con, the Nintendo Switch Pro controller is a robust piece of gaming hardware that isn’t likely to start malfunctioning out of nowhere. It feels great to hold, and for me the larger thumbsticks make playing first-person shooters way easier than with Joy-Con.

Save $10 on Switch Pro Controller

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And if you play any side-scrolling or 2D games, the plus-shaped D-pad is a game changer compared to the four arrow buttons found on the Joy-Con. This comes in especially handy when playing NES or SNES games with Nintendo Online. And while the original MSRP of $69.99 seems a bit much when you can get PS4 and Xbox One controllers for less, this deal brings the Switch Pro Controller back in line with the competition.

The Switch Pro controller might not have the fancy ability to split in two to let you and a friend play co-op like Joy-Con. But it’s a reliable controller, and the battery lasts a good long time between charges.

If you still need more convincing, check out our Nintendo Switch Pro Controller review to find out why we scored it 8.8/10.

One last thing for those who like their Joy-Cons: they’ve been hard to find in stock lately. But right now Amazon seems to have most color configurations either in stock now or shipping a few days out. So there’s that option as well. You canĀ get them here.

But for my money, I’d go with a Switch Pro Controller.

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Chris Reed is IGN’s shopping and commerce editor. You can follow him on Twitter @_chrislreed.

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Source: IGN.com Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Is on Sale for Off