Apex Legends Season 5 is winding down, with this week being the last to provide challenges for those who still need to fill out their battle passes. Next week, there will be a limited-time mode wherein the ring never stops shrinking and players start matches with an evo shield and a Mozambique. But that’s just a little bit of tiding over for the new season launch, which is set to happen on August 18.

Respawn released a launch trailer for Season 6 today, and it has some interesting details in it. The long-rumored Rampart character shows up ready to kick ass and chew bubble gum (and she appears to have plenty of bubble gum). She is seen in the trailer operating a mounted machine gun, raining fire on the other legends in a stylish, reversed-time showing.

Apex Legends Season 6 trailer has hints about the new legend, Rampart screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Apex Legends Season 6 trailer has hints about the new legend, Rampart