We are just one week away from the launch of Apex Legends Season 6, and just the other day we got our first look at the new playable character, Rampart. While that was a look at the near future with her fighting in the Apex Games, a new video released today displays her recent past, showing the events leading up to her entry into the battle royale.

It looks like she has been friendly with Bangalore and Gibraltar for a while, but only after a visit from some cyberpunk assailants does she get the invitation from Blisk. (I’m told he’s important in this universe. I don’t know. I never played Titanfall. Forgive me.) During the fight, Rampart shows off some of the same abilities as in the last trailer, including a deployable barrier that can be fired through in one direction, and a mounted machine gun. We can probably expect those to be her unique abilities in game.

This is not the first “Stories from the Outlands” trailer for Apex Legends. These vignettes provide a little more context to the carnage, as when Revenant was surprise-introduced before Season 4. If we can go by past season launches, we can expect two more videos to show up before Season 6 begins: The next will likely be a gameplay trailer showing off the new weapon and Battle Pass, and then the last will be a character trailer to really detail Rampart’s abilities. I think I’ve nailed down what her tactical and ultimate will be (the barrier and the machine gun, respectively), but I’m still pretty clueless about her passive. We’ll probably find out just before Season 6 launches on August 18.

New Apex Legends 'Stories from the Outlands' video builds Rampart's back story screenshot

Source: Destructoid New Apex Legends ‘Stories from the Outlands’ video builds Rampart’s back story