In case you missed it, Horizon Zero Dawn came out a few weeks ago on PC, and got a fairly quick patch to smooth out a lot of known issues thanks to update 1.01. Now, Guerrilla Games is moving on to update 1.02, which: you guessed it, brings more fixes to the game.

While a lot of our readers have noted that the game is running smoothly for them, it seems like there’s optimization issues and problems for specific rigs: so Guerrilla is course-correcting a bit. The developer is continuing to “track these [bugs] down” thanks to new tools in the latest patches, but as it stands, the cause of several crashes has been fixed in 1.02.

While crash fixes are easily the highlight of the patch, V-sync has also been fixed, as well as out of sync facial animations. Guerrilla is also “aware” of several big Reddit compilation bug threads and is working to address those lists. PC games are sometimes a tricky beast! You only need to look at the comment section of our last news story on this port to see how wildly different experiences can be.

Patch 1.02 is now available [Reddit]

Horizon Zero Dawn gets another swift patch to fix some bugs screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Horizon Zero Dawn gets another swift patch to fix some bugs