Team games in Fall Guys can be fun, but relying on other players means that you have even less control over your fate than usual. That’s why it isย frustrating to get stuck in consecutive team games โ€“ especially Hoarders and Egg Scramble (or anytime you are on the yellow team). But players don’t need to worry about that anymore, thanks to a recent update.

According to a tweet from the Fall Guys account, the latest changes to the game involve eliminating back-to-back team games, among other tweaks. Some amount of randomness and chaos is all part of Fall Guys’ appeal, but its nice to see the team at Mediatonic listening and responding to player feedback.

For more on Fall Guys, read our review, or watch us play on an episode of New Gameplay Today.

Source: Game Informer No More Back-To-Back Team Games In Fall Guys