Zelda II: The Adventure of Link was a massive departure from the original title. More linear, carefully metered progress, and with more RPG elements. It bore few similarities to its predecessor with its unique mix of top-down overworld exploration and side-scrolling action.
I hated it. But don’t tell boss Niero I said that. I’m pretty sure that making disparaging comments about Zelda II is a fireable offense at Destructoid.
It wasn’t the game’s formula that left a bad taste in my mouth, however. On the contrary, it was an interesting mix of play styles. Despite this, the formula didn’t catch on to a wide extent. Few games have followed its lead, with even the Zelda series neglecting its mechanics as the franchise widened.
Phoenotopia Awakening seems to have latched onto that misunderstood title and squeezed it for all it was worth. It wears its Zelda influences on its sleeve, but also layers on its own fantastic personality. The result is something that is markedly different than Zelda II, even if you can easily see its foundation, and I couldn’t be happier for that.
Source: Destructoid Review: Phoenotopia Awakening