World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is still coming “this fall,” and it’ll bring hundreds of hours of extra stuff to do. While WoW players are probably champing at the bit to see if the story is any good (knock on wood), for the meantime we can gaze at the new companion app: which is actually looking pretty great.

Come this fall the new mobile app allows you to toggle between each recent expansion (Legion, Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands) at will, all of which will retain their former app functionality. As far as the new stuff goes you can fiddle with your favorite covenant (Necrolord, Kyrian, Night Fae, Venthyr), wit the previous “adventure” mechanic making an expected comeback.

Just like Final Fantasy Tactics‘ tavern or the core of Valkyrie Profile, you can still send recruits off to invisible missions to reap rewards. While you can do it in-game, the app makes things much easier as you can micromanage everything on the go, or before bed.

Thankfully the app isn’t just being pidgeonholed into an adventure screen like it was in the past, as it’s also getting a general WoW news section, as well as the ability to look at your character like a mini Armory mechanic. Community and guild chat, as well as the helpful calendar, are also all coming.

It’s a straight-up upgrade!

Shadowlands Preview: A New Look for the WoW Companion App []

World of Warcraft is getting an overhauled app for the upcoming Shadowlands expansion screenshot

Source: Destructoid World of Warcraft is getting an overhauled app for the upcoming Shadowlands expansion