Yesterday Blizzard finally revealed the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands release date: October 27. But it wasn’t all they gave us.
A new short is also primed and ready to watch, and it centers on some extremely crucial lore figures as well as some new expansion material. Uther and Arthas are united with the modern World of Warcraft era: or more specifically, the Kyrian Covenant and the angelic realm of Bastion.
I don’t want to spoil it directly, but the short is extremely emotional and deals with decades of built-up lore, even if it doesn’t satisfy every single fan. While Blizzard can sometimes go a little red-pen-crazy when it comes to rewriting the Warcraft narrative to suit the MMO world, it frequently gives us gems like this.
Visiting Uther’s tomb in Sorrow Hill is a fun little pastime of mine, and this gives it new meaning.
Source: Destructoid This new World of Warcraft animated short is one of the more lore-heavy clips in years