Summoner’s War: Sky Arena is beginning a crossover event to bring Street Fighter 5 characters into the mobile game from August 31, and we have a new trailer.
Announced at Gamescom 2020, the crossover will bring Ryu, Ken, M. Bison, Chun-Li, and Dhalsim to the turn-based strategy game – check out a trailer below:
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Playing in the event between August 31 and November 1 will net you Ken for free.
Make sure to check out our full gamescom schedule to find out what else is on the way and our roundup of gamescom 2020 highlights.
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Joe Skrebels is IGN’s Executive Editor of News. Follow him on Twitter. Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to
Source: Summoner's War: Sky Arena Getting Street Fighter Crossover