Astro Gaming has announced a new generation of wireless A20 headsets along with a new line of USB transmitters. The A20s will be designed to pair with consoles as well as PCs. Console-compatible headsets come with one transmitter, however, if players decide to purchase a second transmitter they will be able to use their headset with any gaming device of their choosing.

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Fans anticipating the next generation of consoles will be happy to know that the A20s will work with the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5.  The headset will be available in October for $119.99 USD and secondary transmitters will be priced at $19.99 USD. Both items are available for pre-order

If you’re interested in next generation hardware, check out our deep dive on the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5 controller

Source: Game Informer New Astro Gaming Headset Is Compatible With Xbox Series X And PlayStation 5