It’s still a few years away, but the potential of Unreal Engine 5 to define the next generation of gaming is very real. The demonstrations for it so far have been impeccable, and with some talented art directors, we could see some truly astonishing looking games on the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Or, we’ll see the same crap they’re making with Unreal Engine 4.

Either way, a game’s engine is a part of its identity. Sadly, some franchises are in the midst of an identity crisis. While I understand why it’s ideal for developers to work with one engine over many years, there often comes a point where the age or limitations of an engine hinders the potential of the series. Sometimes, to save a series, you have to make a change.

Thankfully, there are many options available for developers looking to revitalize a franchise. That’s the basis of this Destructoid Discusses post was prompted by Brett Makedonski, who got the idea when Jordan Devore brought up the fantastical prospect of a new Dead Rising game made with the Resident Evil engine (Psst…Capcom, you should do this). That led me to ask the rest of the Destructoid staff to name a game they’d love to see made in another franchise’s engine.

Which game would you like to see made in a different franchise's engine? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Which game would you like to see made in a different franchise’s engine?