Last night, a really cool Undertale concert aired online presented by Fangamer and 8-4. The concert was filmed in Tokyo, Japan all the way back in May 2019, but that’s okay — it’s new to the vast majority of the world. Coming in at around 3 hours, your favorite tunes are here and there are some absolutely true bangers in the batch. If you’ve never had the chance to experience Undertale’s moving score, there’s no time like the present!
Don’t miss classics like Battle Against A True Hero or Megalovania, but of course the whole thing is absolutely majestic. If you’ve never played Undertale, the score syncs up with what’s happening in the game in truly enthralling fashion. Check out our Undertale review here. Miss the concert? Watch (or listen) below!
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Source: Game Informer Check Out The Undertale 5th Anniversary Concert