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Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most anticipated games of the year, and for good reason. Players can tailor the gameplay experience in countless ways, including tons of choices that affect the story and combat. The first choice? Your playstyle, which you hone over time by investing in different skills across distinct trees. This class system is not fixed; it is a fluid approach to how players can operate in Night City. In this Cyberpunk 2077 class breakdown, we are going to help you find which Cyberpunk 2077 class is right for you.

There are three base archetypes in Cyberpunk 2077, each offering unique skills and abilities while even changing how other characters see you in the world of Night City. They are: Solo, Netrunner, and Techie. These aren’t the standard RPG classes. These are starting points where players can begin to craft their character, and where they can pull from the different class skill trees to perfect their playstyle even further. But odds are good you will gravitate towards one rather than taking a completely balanced approach, so which one fits you the best to start out with? Let’s dive right in with Solo. 

Solo class

The solo class is for those looking for a more traditional play experience. It’s very melee-heavy and is perfect for those that love to just rush right in and get blood regardless of the consequences.

If you like to tank your way into any situation, the Solo class is going to be your best bet, especially when looking at the Combat Sense special ability. This ability allows players to scan any area in-game for danger, making it easier to just bulldoze right in effectively and make every single one of those punks pay. 

This class is perfect for those that don’t want to bother with tech and opt into a more brawler style. 


The Netrunner class is perfect for those who love to strategize. I don’t personally have the patience for that, but this is a very sound playstyle. Netrunners are tech-focused, but not quite to the extent as Techies. They can use their cyber know-how to hack into the environment (cameras, terminals, etc) in an effort to seize the upperhand through planning and a little bit of recon and an expert use of stealth. 

This class is perfect for those that like to analyze the battlefield for optimal advantages. This is also great for those that typically choose mage classes in fantasy-driven RPGs, and is a healthy balance between melee and tech support. 

Speaking of tech support …


Techies are fun because the world is pretty much one giant playground. Those that choose the Techie class can build their own run-and-gun toys for optimal destruction. It’s no Guns With Legs like in Borderlands 3, but the amount of tech upgrades and customizable weapons is intense and Techies get a front row seat when playing with the biggest and baddest toys in Night City. 

This class is perfect for those that love honed chaos. It’s very creatively driven and pretty much ensures that if there is any roadblock in Night City, your V will be able to craft a way around it.

This class is all about being an engineer, and using that engineering knowledge is key when crafting the ultimate weapon loadout. But it’s not just weapons! Craft robots, spy tech, ‘splody goodness – don’t let your dreams be dreams, go ham! 

While there is still a lot we don’t know about Cyberpunk 2077 other than we need it now, we’ll get another inside look with the third episode of the Night City Wire showcase on September 18th. 

And there you have it! While players aren’t stuck within a chosen class with specific playstyle, this is a basic breakdown of what each skill tree has to offer. Pick and choose which skills from the three classes work best for you, and you’ll be the king (or queen) of Night City in no time! Between this and the life paths seen with choosing Street Kid, Nomad, or Corporate, there is a lot to discover about who V truly is and who you want them to be. Mix and max, play around,  and find the perfect balance for what feels the most comfortable for you!

Happy hunting! 

[This feature has been updated to clarify that Cyberpunk 2077 does not have a fixed class system. In addition, CD Projekt Red’ Miles Tost provided this statement: “There’s 3 life paths to choose from at the beginning of the journey, basically your character’s origin story. There are no fixed classes, you build your character by picking perks from a ton of different skill trees so it matches your preferred style.”]

Source: Game Informer Which Cyberpunk 2077 Class Is Right For You?