Jett: The Far Shore developer Superbrothers has delayed the PS5, PS4, and PC game to 2021.

In a statement on Superbrothers’ website, it said “Jett: The Far Shore is now fixin’ to deploy in 2021 on PlayStation consoles and PC on the Epic Games Store. Hectic times, so we’ve revised our trajectory. It’ll be stellar, when it alights.”

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Jett: The Far Shore was announced at the PlayStation 5 reveal event for a Holiday 2020 release, and promises a story where you will carve out a future for humanity that is haunted by oblivion and propelled by dreams. It looks to feature space travel, exploration of strange new lands, and much more.

Superbrothers spoke to Vice recently and discussed a bit more of the game, its creation myth, how it ties to its previous game Sword & Sworcery, and more.

“So with JETT the spark is to keep the feel and fun of something like Motorstorm, with the intricate, interesting, substantial design of Monster Hunter, to say yes to the player’s instinct to go fast and take jumps and offroad, and then to try to interleave some narrative-vibe focused scenes to soak in, so the player has interesting story concepts to contemplate while skimming around.”

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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.

Source: Jett: The Far Shore Delayed on PS5, PS4, and PC to 2021