The Xbox Series X and Series S both went up for pre-order on Tuesday morning. And while Series X and S preorders went quickly, there was also a jump in Xbox One X sales, Microsoft’s soon-to-be last-gen console.
According to Amazon’s sales rank and to our own IGN Deals data, there was a notable bump in Xbox One X purchases on the day Xbox Series X, and S, went up for preorder. Amazon says there was a 747% jump, while our data shows there were twice as many Xbox One sold on Tuesday than in the past 60 days.
Xbox One X sales rank is up 747% on Amazon lol…
Wonder how many people bought an Xbox One X instead of an Xbox Series X
— Andrew Alerts (@AndrewAlerts) September 22, 2020
For additional IGN Deals data, it should be noted that there were zero PS4 sales on the days the PS5 preorders went live.
There are plenty of reasons why the Xbox One X saw a spike in sales beyond just human error — though there was plenty of that to go around also.
One Twitter user announced they ordered an Xbox One X by mistake, while another social media user shared how they had to check multiple times to make sure they were ordering the correct Xbox “X” system.
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Others theorized that some auto-purchasing bots were poorly optimized and ended up purchasing Xbox One X systems instead of the Xbox Series X.
Either way, any of you who successfully pre-ordered an Xbox Series X should double-check that order, just in case.
And for anyone else still looking to preorder the Xbox Series X or S, check out IGN’s Xbox Series X preorder guide for all the latest updates and retail links as they go live.
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Matt T.M. Kim is a reporter for IGN.
Source: Xbox One X Sales Spike on Series X Preorder Day