inXile Entertainment has released Version 1.1.1 for its post-apocalyptic strategy title Wasteland 3. The update, now live on both PC and console platforms, aims to improve overall performance while increasing stability for the sequel’s multiplayer modes.

The biggest fix in Version 1.1.1 pertains to Wasteland 3’s co-op mode, which has been known to delay during loading screens, sometimes requiring wait times of up to five minutes. The new update should reduce these instances somewhat, though loading times as a whole are yet to be fully optimised, and will be done so in a larger update down the line.

Additionally, the new update tweaks a selection of specific bugs relating to certain quests, NPC interactions, merchant sellers. Most notable, the Antiques Appraiser perk no longer activates on Scrap items, closing a loophole that allowed players to repeatedly sell and re-purchase scrap for profit. Sorry to all those wheeler-dealers out there.

You can check out the full patch notes over on the official inXile blog.

Wasteland 3 is available now on PS4, PC, and Xbox One.

New Wasteland 3 update now live on PC and consoles screenshot

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Source: Destructoid New Wasteland 3 update now live on PC and consoles