[TheBlondeBass put together a game jam and invited the Destructoid community to join him for the journey. After all the smoke had settled, he wrote this blog detailing his experience and even shared a link to the finished product, along with the page for the other entries as well! Be sure to check them all out and let these fine folks know what you think! – Kevin

2020’s been a crummy year for just about everyone. Unless your name rhymes with Beff Jezos, you’ve probably felt it too. The stress of a situation of which we feel like we have little control over, or maybe of not knowing if your job is safe. The loneliness of not seeing your friends in person, while losing the motivation to do so online. It all around sucks to spend that much time in one’s apartment, worrying about the world.

Due to a variety of factors I won’t get into, the year has affected me a lot. I’ve been tired, unhappy, anxious, and irritable. The situation was showing no signs of improvement back in May, and I needed something to change. I needed something, other than work, to think about. Something like…

How I made the most out of a terrible, terrible summer screenshot

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Source: Destructoid How I made the most out of a terrible, terrible summer