So often, the path that connects rumor and reality passes by all the same landmarks. A lot of times, we’ll get a leak by way of retailer listing. A little while later, some country’s ratings board will confirm a game long before a publisher announces it. By then, the suspense is long gone.

That’s the route we’re taking with an upcoming remaster of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. In June, VentureBeat first outed the remaster. Then, in August, Amazon UK went live with a new Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit listing. Now, the Korean Games Rating and Administration Committee has a new page for the remaster.

One, two, three strikes and you’re a real game. Sources say that the Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit remaster is due in November, but that might’ve changed because of COVID delays. Switch is the primary platform that has been mentioned, but it’ll probably come elsewhere too. We’ll find out the details whenever EA feels like formally announcing it. For now, however, it seems pretty likely that Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit remastered is more than just a rumor.

The still-unannounced Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit remaster has been rated [Video Games Chronicle]

Here's more evidence that points toward a Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit remaster screenshot

Source: Destructoid Here’s more evidence that points toward a Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit remaster