From RPS: “In the classic opening move for the type of review some of you might typify as the classic 7/10, Ill say this: I liked The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos far more than I expected to. Its XCOM by way of Order Of The Stick, but with the battles connected by wandering about in the gather your party and venture forth tradition of Baldurs Gate.
Dont expect Baldurs-Gate-style roleplaying, however, cos this aint an RPG. Its a satire of one primarily the tabletop kind, though it takes aim at CRPGs too and while the tactical bits are played straight, nothing else is. Theres my biggest caveat about this game, then. Its humour is relentless. And while it ended up hitting the mark frequently enough for me to warm to it, it was a close call. Your mileage, as they say, may vary.”
Source: N4G PC The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk Review – RPS