The highly anticipated Baldur’s Gate 3 is finally heading into early access very soon (October 6). Right now, developer Larian Studios is planning on releasing the game on Steam, Stadia and GOG, but there might be some light at the end of the tunnel thanks to information from a forum post today.

The post itself deals with cross-save and cross-play capabilities, which will henceforth be linked to a Larian account. Yes, another account. The post states: “It’s early days, but signing up now helps us stress-test the service as we roll out more features. It’s entirely optional (you don’t need an account to play Baldur’s Gate 3), but in the future it’ll be the account that links your adventures together. For example, your account will be how we facilitate cross-saves for Baldur’s Gate 3 across Steam, Stadia, and GOG, as well as potential future platforms if and when released.”

There’s two key takeaways here. If you’re content with playing Baldur’s Gate 3 solo (or with someone on the same platform) and on one device, you can ignore this account entirely: which is a step up from some major publishers. Also, the “potential future platforms if and when released” is very telling, as Larian seemingly is waiting to announce console editions in the near or far future.

Either way, this is something to be aware of going forward. No one likes to make new accounts on a weekly basis, but this seems like it’s one of Larian’s only options to facilitate cross-save, at least.

Introducing the new Larian Account ahead of Early [Larian Studios Forums] Thanks Jeff!

Baldur's Gate 3 will have cross-save and cross-play, but you need to make a Larian account to do it screenshot

Source: Destructoid Baldur’s Gate 3 will have cross-save and cross-play, but you need to make a Larian account to do it