Xbox One users get a sneak peek at the Xbox Series S/X dashboard today. Microsoft has rolled out the October update that makes the UI uniform across all Xbox devices. That means your Xbox One’s dash now will be the same as the Xbox Series X’s dash on November 10.

It’s not a big, drastic refresh. Microsoft actually detailed this back in August, explaining that the goal is a streamlined, connected ecosystem. Some design changes to tile shapes, fonts, and focus indicators are about as splashy as this update gets. It’s very familiar, just a little different.

Maybe the most exciting change is the introduction of customer profile themes. Xbox will be introducing themes (presumably just like PlayStation’s) that change the overall aesthetic of the dashboard. This includes themes that are based on Xbox first-party games and some animated backgrounds. Three new ones were added today that are based around Xbox Series X, Series S, and some next-gen artwork.

There are a few other refinements for quality of life things. For instance, anyone without automatic sign-in enabled will be prompted to choose a user account when booting up the Xbox. The Home page also does a better job of populating popular apps for new users. It’s hardly earth-moving stuff. Lastly, Hungarian, Greek, Slovak, and Czech are newly-supported languages.

The future is now. Today’s update marks the a major milestone in Microsoft’s efforts to bring the same visual design to all Xbox devices. Hey, if you aren’t upgrading to Xbox Series X, at least your Xbox One will feel current while you’re on the Home screen.

October Xbox Update Rolls Out Broadly with A New Fresh Look, Profile Themes and More [Xbox Wire]

Preview the Xbox Series X dashboard on Xbox One today screenshot

Source: Destructoid Preview the Xbox Series X dashboard on Xbox One today