The Batman, which stars Robert Pattinson as the Dark Knight himself, is using virtual production techniques for select scenes, the same techniques that have been used for 2019’s The Lion King and The Mandalorian.
As reported by THR, Industrial Light & Magic’s chief creative officer Rob Bredow revealed the news during this year’s virtual VIEW visual effects and animation confab, and said the production team on The Batman had “pre-built practical sets in the UK and an LED wall was built around these sets to enable use of virtual production in those specific scenes.”
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In season one of The Mandalorian, showrunner Jon Favreau worked with ILM to create an LED wall driven by the Unreal real-time game engine that allowed for real-time visual effects production as scenes were being filmed.
ILM’s StageCraft, a virtual production unit, is also being used for the production of Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder, and season two of The Mandalorian will feature even more complex virtual production techniques as the technology isn’t quite as new as it was during the first season.
Unfortunatly, it will be a bit of a wait until we see how virtual production has helped The Batman, as it was recently delayed to March 4, 2022.
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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.
Source: The Batman Is Utilizing The Mandalorian's Virtual Production Method