Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is really sneaking up on me.

Sure we have the two new next-gen console launches coming in a few weeks, but after that on November 20 we get a new Zelda game. While it might not be a traditional mainline Zelda, it sure looks increasingly legit as we obtain more and more info on Age of Calamity.

We already know that the Yiga Clan will be playing a bigger role in the game, but now thanks to a new clip today Nintendo has made it clear that the Korok Hetsu will be front and center as well: on top of the role that Koroks will be playing in Calamity, serving as the main collectible to chase. Whoever pitched the idea of a prequel, pre-100-year-amnesia-Link, is a genius. It makes so much sense and fits within the framework of this world.

That last shot though! Seeing Link glide across the sky in classic Breath of the Wild fashion while the Champions follow suit: glorious. My wishlist mostly involves filling in more subtle backstories in a natural way, like this one, which fans have speculated on for several years.

The wait for Breath of the Wild 2 is going to be so much worse after playing this.

The newest Zelda: Breath of the Wild prequel trailer gives us a look at a ton of returning characters and locations screenshot

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Source: Destructoid The newest Zelda: Breath of the Wild prequel trailer gives us a look at a ton of returning characters and locations