Mando Mondays – an event that debuts products inspired by The Mandalorian – kicks off today! We informed you about some awesome pre-orders a little while back, but today Hasbro unveiled a bevy of new figurines for all you Star Wars-loving collectors out there.
There are two new 6-inch Black Series figurines, three new 3.75-inch Vintage Collection figurines, and one 3.75-inch Retro Collection figurine for you to peruse and eventually purchase. The Black series models include The Mandalorian and the Child Build-Up Pack for $35 as well as the Speeder Bike Scout Trooper for $45. The Vintage Collection models are as follows: a smaller Mandalorian and the Child Build-Up Pack for $18, The Armorer for $13, and Moff Gideon for $13. Finally, the Retro Collection figure assortment for $10 will also be available. (We’ll paste any missing figurine links as soon as they become available!)
You can see all the collectibles in the gallery below.
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Source: Game Informer Hasbro's Mando Mondays Kicks Off With New The Mandalorian Figures