The time has come for more info on what the rest of October brings for Xbox Game Pass, and it’s looking good. Oh! And a little preview of November isn’t half bad either.
Old school adventure games are absolutely dominating the rest of the month, including the spooky Day of the Tentacle Remastered, which is joined by Grim Fandango Remastered and Full Throttle Remastered. Never in my youth, did I ever think that these games would live on beyond the joy I experienced playing them at my uncle’s house. They always felt like such niche little things, so seeing them still around, decades later, is a sight.
The rest of October will also be populated by some newer titles, including Carto, Five Nights at Freddy’s, PUBG, ScourgeBringer and Unruly Heroes. Well, newer in comparison to when the aforementioned adventure games originally came out: sans “remastered” versions.
November is looking good too, with Celeste, Comanche, Deep Rock Galactic, Eastshade and Knights and Bikes hitting on November 5. After that, ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer’s Edition arrives on November 17. Celeste makes everything better and instantly legitimizes that month. Remember that by the time November 17 rolls around, the Xbox Series X will have been released.
Coming Soon to Xbox Game Pass [Xbox Wire]
Source: Destructoid Xbox Game Pass is a good mix of new and old in late October and November